Tai Lopez

Tai Lopez provides answers to the four pillars of a productive life, the importance of finding good father figures, and what the future looks like for the political climate. 

Learn more at www.tailopez.com/benshapiro

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Daily Wire website: www.dailywire.com
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Check Tai Lopez out on:
Website: https://www.tailopez.com/benshapiro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TaiLopezOfficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tailopez
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/tailopezofficial


tai lopez,ben Shapiro,the ben Shapiro show,daily wire,sunday special,meaning,meaning in life,how do you find meaning in life,where do you find your meaning in life,advice,life advice,the four ms,books,reading,father,fathers,father figures,Mentors,politics,future,future of politics,republican,democrat,liberal,conservative,party,political party
Video Transcript